Ik had weer een leuke opdracht: 5 broches maken in de kleuren rood, zwart, zwart-wit en grijs-wit

Someone asked me to make 5 broches in these colours. It was fun to do but a lot of work. It's nice though, to get some money for your art work.
Alle nieuwe materialen moeten door mij uitgeprobeerd worden . Door mijn intuitieve manier van werken ontstaan vaak verrassende creaties. I make small pieces of art every day and love to improvise. Often I just look for colours that match or material that itches in my hands as I want to do something with it. I love to work with new materials and try eveything out. Nothing is safe for my soldering iron, my heatgun or even my iron.(with parchment paper on top!)I don't know what boredom is.